5 tips for implementing the teleworking culture in your company

Recently, many companies have been facing difficulties in surviving their business. The uncertainty of the pandemic has changed work culture, forcing companies to implement suitable conditions so that their staff can work from home.

Recently, many companies have been facing difficulties in surviving their business. The uncertainty of the pandemic has changed work culture, forcing companies to implement suitable conditions so that their staff can work from home.

The establishment of a remote working culture, the telework, quickly became THE essential solution to save many businesses.

Indeed, if your company adopts teleworking, this could have a very positive impact on its financial health. However, over the last two years, if companies and employees have had to adapt to teleworking, many still have to take the plunge. Unfortunately, it's impossible to create an effective remote work culture overnight.

In this article, we will provide you with simple tips for start implementing teleworking if you feel your business is ready to move to remote work.



Track the productivity of your remote employees

If your employees have never experienced teleworking, and managers also don't know how to supervise their teams, this could create feelings of distrust and uncertainty among employees. For a manager, it can be difficult to ensure meeting deadlines, has achievement of objectives, and even to communication between team members without a physical presence.

The creation of a system 3 main points could solve the problem and make it easier to distribute tasks and projects, as well as monitor and evaluate the employee's work from home.

  • Project and task management

There are online tools to assign tasks and projects as a team, manage them and check their progress. This will help the manager to assign, control and measure the employee's performance even better than in person.

To manage your projects, we recommend tools like Jira, Asana and Trello.

  • Tracking actual working time

You can quantify working time of your collaborators on different projects, check the performance And efficiency members of your team working remotely. Integration with a project and task management tool will clearly illustrate the performance of your employees.

Hubstaff is a favorite, but there are other great tools like TimeCamp or Toggl. Most of them have a free version covering basic needs.

  • Communication tools

To communicate remotely, we use several different software programs. Slack is our main tool for communication interne, file sharing and fast problem solving. Wrike is excellent for sharing sensitive information, which require a higher level of security.

Finally, Microsoft Teams, Zoom or even Google Meet are complete and easy-to-use tools for video conferences and virtual meetings between clients and team members.

Justify the choice of teleworking rules to your employees

What we should definitely not do is to set up new rules or working methodologies without coherent reason, just because other companies are already doing it. If you see how a particular tool could be useful to everyone in the company, explain it to your employees, in a clear, open and coherent manner. Transparency is an essential aspect of creating a remote work culture effective and sustainable.





Define communication rules

Usually, when you work face-to-face, you are most likely used to interacting with your colleagues, chatting with them and organizing meetings. Working methodologies for solving different types of tasks are clearly explained. On the other hand, if you have a complicated question that requires a longer answer, you should write an email or organize a meeting.

Teleworking has many similarities with working in the office, only the communication tools diverge.

To make the change, simply ask yourself:

- Who is responsible for answering questions and problems on a particular topic?

- Which category of problems do employees usually have to resolve when they send mail?

Create rules, of the guidelines for remote communication in teleworking, and explain them to your employees to create a work dynamic resembling that used in the office.

Make sure your employees understand their importance

For some, remote work can create the false feeling of doing unimportant work, to be disconnected and socially isolated, which can lead to a reduction in their productivity.

To overcome this, you should set up frequent meetings between colleagues, to distribute daily tasks and maintain regular contact, as well as organize corporate events from time to time.





Encourage your employees to establish a teleworking routine

The home is associated to relax, at rest, playing with children, etc., but much less at work. Especially when children and pets are playing around and making noise.

So, productivity may decrease, which results in missed deadlines, unfinished tasks, and in the worst cases, loss of customers.

How to fix this?

First, you need set up a space dedicated to work at home where no one will interfere, or at least, where you will be much less disturbed.

Second, follow the same routine as going to the office - wake up early, wash, dress as you usually do for work. Indeed, it is scientifically proven that replicating this habit allows the brain to go “into work mode”.

Third, it is essential to set rules for you and your family. Find balance: plan times when you work, and when no one should disturb you. Of course, also find other times that will be dedicated to fun and family.

One last piece of advice...

If you find it difficult to concentrate while working from home, give yourself small rewards (like a cup of coffee, a slice of pie, a nap, etc.) after completing a task. Do it every time, starting with easier tasks and working your way up to the more complex tasks. By doing this, you will quickly be able tobe more productive than 90% of other people teleworking.

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