BeeMyFlex article - February 10, 2022

The rules and obligations regarding


The health crisis has had a major impact on the organization of work for all French companies. The “hybrid” work model, integrating flexibility through teleworking, is a model that has accelerated since 2020.


Company premises have since been sold, abandoned, or redesigned, in favor of a model combining remote working and days of presence on site or in third locations.


Teleworking has therefore developed in recent years, and has become established, in certain companies constrained by the national Covid-19 business protocol.


For the majority, teleworking has been adopted and is becoming THE virtuous and sustainable model, making it possible to strengthen the efficiency of the company and its teams.

Organizations benefit from several benefits:

  • Less stress for their employees, who spend less time traveling to work.
  • More efficiency observed among employees and in company projects.
  • A development of SKILLS observed among employees who were able to concentrate on side projects.
  • Less stress for managers, thanks to the savings and lower costs of their rental space.

Teleworking is therefore on the rise!

This is what the BFM TV channel declared in December 2021, affirming that 38% of jobs in France are eligible for teleworking.


Since the start of 2022, the Government has announced an imposed generalization of teleworking to the tune of 3 compulsory days per week in companies.


As if teleworking was fundamentally linked to the “pandemic”. It's a shame, because this way of working, provided it is well managed, has real advantages on the organization of a company's work, and especially on the efficiency of its teams, and therefore its productivity. !


The study reveals this staggering figure: 1/3 of French teleworkers are considering changing jobs because of their company's processes.


As you will have understood, teleworking has become an essential criterion for attracting new talents.


To help you as best as possible in setting up this hybrid organization and managing it on a daily basis, we will shed light on the rules and obligations not to be missed.

What are the rules and obligations regarding teleworking?

To begin with, there is no universal rule when referring to teleworking. However, new agreements and principles are emerging, particularly within the framework of the ANI.


Un national interprofessional agreement (YEARS) is an agreement negotiated and signed by the various social partners at the national level and which applies to all sectors of activity on the national territory.

L'YEARS porte notamment sur les conditions de travail et les garanties sociales des salariés. L'accord du 11 janvier 2013 a, par exemple, imposé à toutes les entreprises de proposer une couverture complémentaire santé collective à leurs salariés à compter du 1er janvier 2016.

  1. Teleworking: a company agreement

Teleworking is a corporate life philosophy!


Some have already integrated it into their work organization model for years.

Others are starting to come.

And still others remain refractory.


When teleworking is generalized within a company, it acts as a company agreement. The agreement can also be defined at the team level, we will then speak of the team agreement. These are the rules issued by all the employees of the same team. They make it possible to supervise teleworking.

Concretely, the questions that companies are asking themselves:

  • What quota should be put in place between remote and face-to-face?
  • What days of the week are teleworked: imposed by the company or chosen by employees?
  • Is there a compensatory allowance for teleworking days, covering operating costs from home?
  • Is it allowed to work remotely from a residence other than your own?


Recently, the law on fixed compensation came into force to cover employees' costs when they are teleworking. The company can then claim a tax exemption from the compensated package, subject to ceiling conditions not to be exceeded.


The BeeMyFlex application allows companies to create and manage their agreements at any level (global, by team and by employee). The teleworking flexibility policy is then automatically applied.

It is also possible to define a lump sum so that each month, the teleworking allowance is paid to its employees.

2. Teleworking and its remote management

Good management of teleworking also requires good support for companies, managers and their employees.


Concretely, what does good teleworking management consist of?


  • Have the right tools to communicate remotely and not lose the link between the teams
  • Have the right tools to manage the presence of employees on site or not, to make team interactions more effective.
  • Have the right tools to give visibility to all teams, to know if a member is on site, teleworking, traveling or if they are absent
  • Avoir the right tool to supervise its teams.
  • Provide managers and managers with concrete indicators to detect PSR.

This last point has become an essential issue for companies, particularly since the health crisis. It is important to identify weak signals among employees whatever their level of fragility, to avoid stress and burnout, which irremediably lead to absenteeism, illness, and abandonment...


Remote working amplifies these risks, which require regular monitoring by Human Resources managers and stakeholders.

3. Teleworking: what impacts for companies?

Finally, teleworking - and its generalization - is a real opportunity to transform workspaces in companies. This model allows them to optimize the occupancy rate of the sites.


Increasingly, and to remain competitive, companies are deciding to replace assigned placements with free placement depending on space availability. Pencils, post-its, and personal photos disappear to make way for more convivial meeting spaces; this is flexoffice.


A new problem then arises:

How can you better manage your flexoffice model and how can you allow employees to have the necessary visibility and ensure that they will find an available place in the office? And above all, how can we make the flexoffice experience a success?


The organization of work has been one of the priority ambitions of companies since 2020; both for managers, managers and employees.

This is how we developed our BeeMyFlex application: to allow all employees of a company to have the visibility and tools necessary for a well-established and oiled work organization. We will be able to detail this for you in a second article very soon!


So, do you have the right tools to manage your remote teams and your hybrid model?


Don’t hesitate to test our solution and contact our teams for a demo!

BeeMyFlex #whereveryouare